Konsolidasi Asosiasi Rumah Sakit Daerah (ARSAD) 2024

  Pada hari Kamis, 25 April 2024 bertempat di Hotel Santika dilaksanakan Konsolidasi ARSADA - RSD Se-Indonesia dengan tema Strategi Pelayanan Farmasi dan Regulasi Pajak di Rumah Sakit Daerah. Dr. dr. Slamet Riyadi menyampaikan sambutan dari ARSADA tentang berbagai asumsi yang harus diantisipasi sebagai berikut: 1. Pemerintahan Baru. Potensi dampaknya kepada rumah sakit daerah. Kepala daerah baru (periode baru) DPRD Baru (periode baru) Posisi / kedudukan direktur rumsah sakit daerah Hubungan Pemda dengan rumah sakit daerah Kebijakan Pemda tentang uang, sarana prasarana dan sumber daya manusia Konsistensi pelaksanaan BLU/BLUD 2. Kefarmasian. Kepmenkes HK.01.07/Menkes/503/2024. Nilai klaim harga obat program rujuk balik; obat penyakit kronis di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan tingkat lanjut, obat kemoterapi, dan obat alteplase. Potensi dampak kepada rumah sakit daerah: Output: Mutu Layanan Kefarmasian meningkat Konsolidasi katalog elektronik sektoral kementerian kesehatan Penataan formulari

Everybody Said - Lagu

Everybody said that anybody could do
The important things somebody should do
Everybody knows that anybody could do
All the good things that nobody did

Repeat Chorus

Well the preacher came to me and said what I ought to do
If I wanted to make my religion true
He'd do it himself but he really didn't have the time
He said that the duty was mine

Repeat Chorus (x2)

Well the deacon came by and said give me a hand
If you want to be going to the promised land
Here is something that I don't have time to do
So I better give it to you

Repeat Chorus (x2)

Well I'm too busy so I tell everybody
The work's got to get done by somebody
It can be done by anybody
But nobody (nobody), nobody (nobody), nobody did

Repeat Chorus (x2)

All the good things that nobody did (x2)


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