Kekuatan Israel yang Dipertanyakan: Mitos dan Realitas di Tengah Konflik yang Berkepanjangan

  Saat mendengarkan video YouTube yang berjudul  Asymmetrical Warfare: How to boil the Israeli frog  saya mulai mengajukan pertanyaan kepada ChatGPT tentang "apa itu pariah state". ChatGPT memberikan beberapa contoh pariah state. Kemudian saya menanyakan mengapa dia tidak memasukkan Israel sebagai pariah state, padahal banyak channel di YouTube yang menyebutkan Israel sebagai pariah state. Diskusi kami makin berkembang. Pada awalnya tampak sekali bagaimana ChatGPT benar-benar menggambarkan dominasi Barat dalam "database"-nya, karena dia selalu merujuk ke Barat. Tapi setelah saya membantah berbagai macam hal yang disampaikan oleh ChatGPT, akhirnya dia juga mengakui hal tersebut. Setelah selesai diskusi tersebut, saya minta kepada ChatGPT untuk menulis artikel berdasarkan diskusi yang sudah kami lakukan. Inilah artikelnya: Pendahuluan Pada tanggal 7 Oktober 2023, serangan mengejutkan dari Hamas di Gaza mengungkapkan titik lemah yang tak terduga dalam pertahanan Israel

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Saat membaca artikel berikut:

saya langsung ingat dengan pernyataan pribadi saya saat mendaftar kursus Global Health Delivery Intensive, sebagai berikut:

I am interested in the GHDI program because I hope it can help me carry out good monitoring and evaluation of the projects I am doing. I'm currently doing a Telemedicine pilot project. I hope that by participating in this program, I will be able to properly monitor and evaluate this Telemedicine project.

Besides that, I also hope to get various ideas from other friends about how to solve health service problems, such as the large number of patients, while the number of officers is limited, while we are still expected to be able to maintain the quality of service by limiting the number of patients.

By participating in this program I also hope to learn how to provide good incentives for doctors working in our hospital. The existing incentive structure in our hospital does not encourage specialist doctors to excel.

I hope to get a lot of input from both sources and other participants on how to attract the interest of specialists to want to work in hospitals that are in remote locations. What incentive package should be provided to attract them to work in remote places.

One of the criticisms we receive is that we are not able to plan good services, because specialists often have sudden activities that prevent them from providing services. We lack experience in preparing scenarios in health services. We hope that this program will help in this matter.

In providing health services, many parties must be involved, both from health insurance, labor insurance, social services, health services and others. We hope that by participating in this program, we hope to have better collaboration with these various parties.

By studying biostatistics in this program, we hope to be able to use it to analyze the health data we have, so that it can be useful for decision making.

Currently we are trying to reach various groups who have problems in utilizing health facilities, for example commercial sex workers, people living with HIV, drug users, and LGBT. We hope that by participating in this program, we can improve our approach in reaching them.

Coba bandingkan dengan tulisan yang dibuat oleh ChatGPT:

I am deeply interested in the Global Health Delivery Intensive Program because I believe that improving healthcare delivery systems is crucial in addressing global health disparities and providing equitable access to quality care. I am particularly drawn to the program's focus on utilizing data and technology to inform decision-making and drive change within healthcare systems.

My background in public health and healthcare administration has given me a strong foundation in understanding the complexities and challenges of healthcare delivery. I have had the opportunity to work on projects related to health systems strengthening and community health worker programs in low and middle-income countries, and have seen firsthand the positive impact that targeted interventions can have on health outcomes.

I am eager to further develop my skills and knowledge in this field through the Global Health Delivery Intensive Program. I believe that this program will provide me with the tools and training necessary to effectively design and implement healthcare delivery interventions that can have a meaningful impact on the health and well-being of individuals and communities globally.

Secara susunan kata-kata, saya lebih suka dengan tulisannya ChatGPT. Meskipun dari segi kedalaman isi, apa yang saya tulis lebih bervariasi. 


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