Navigating Integrity Zone Development: A Hospital's Journey

 This storyboard chronicles the efforts of a medical services head tasked with understanding and implementing an integrity zone at RSUD dr. H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Hospital. Over one evening, they delve into the self-assessment form required for the integrity zone's development, consulting ChatGPT for clarification on complex issues and drafting essential documents. By morning, they are ready to lead a staff assembly, outlining the steps necessary to foster a culture of integrity within the hospital. On April 17, 2024, the director of RSUD dr. H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo assigned the head of medical services to attend a socialization meeting for the integrity zone development. Searching for foundational documents for the integrity zone at night, finding the self-assessment form. Exploring the self-assessment questions, using ChatGPT to understand the complicated parts. Asking ChatGPT for advice on: Team Decree (SK Tim Kerja), Work Plan (Rencana Kerja), Change Agents (Agen Perubahan),

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013 - Pengucapan Keputusan Pemilukada Kapuas di Mahkamah Konstitusi

Nomor Perkara: 94/PHPU.D-X/2012
Pokok Perkara: Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah dan Wakil Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Kapuas Tahun 2012
Pemohon: Ben Brahim S. Bahat dan H. Muhajirin [No. Urut 1]. Kuasa Hukum: Baron Ruhat Binti, S.H, M.Hum, dkk
Acara Sidang: Pengucapan Keputusan

Nomor Perkara: 95/PHPU.D-X/2012
Pokok Perkara: Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah dan Wakil Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Kapuas Tahun 2012
Pemohon: H. Surya Dharma dan Taufiqurrahman [No. urut 2]
Acara Sidang: Pengucapan Putusan

Sumber: Mahkamah Konstitusi


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